Technology provider Due Diligence guide

The aim of this guide is to support you with ICT procurement, and to provide indicative factors against which to measure possible investments.

In most cases the advice offered here is understandably generic as the circumstances, capabilities, and
needs of individual organisations will differ. However, we hope that the guidance, and templates, provided are easily adaptable to individual organisations.

This guide is designed to be used alongside external advice where organisations don’t have the requisite
skills in house. This can be achieved in various ways from hiring in temporary consultants, placing consultants with the proposed vendor, drawing on the experience of members of the organisations’ board, or recruiting permanent members of staff with the requisite skills.

If engaging external consultants, it is likely that they will bring their own methodology and artefacts which will supersede those provided with this guide, however the advice offered here is still relevant even if it is only used as a checklist against which to measure other work.