Our Fair4All Finance AGM is now available to watch online

Thanks to everyone who joined us online recently at our first Fair4All Finance AGM. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

You asked so many great questions on the call that we didn’t have time to cover them all. Here’s a summary of the ones we managed to get to, along with answers to the ones we didn’t.

And we know that not all of you who wanted to could make it on the day, so here’s a recording of the call for you to catch up.

We would love to keep the conversation going. Here’s a reminder of who’s best to speak to in the team.

Tom Lake, Head of Policy and Strategy

Talk to Tom about long term financial inclusion policy in the UK tom@fair4allfinance.org.uk

Hanadi Al-Saidi, Social Researcher and Advisor

If you’d like to talk impact or are interested in collaborating on future research, speak to Hanadi hanadi@fair4allfinance.org.uk

Fionn Sharpe, Policy and Strategy Advisor

Talk to Fionn about what needs to change in the policy and regulatory environment to improve people’s financial wellbeing and for fair financial services to thrive fionn@fair4allfinance.org.uk

Holly Piper, Investment Director

If you’re an investor or funder and are interested in investing in this sector, Holly would love to hear from you holly@fair4allfinance.org.uk

Jonathan Turner, Technology Lead

Talk to Jonathan if you’d like to share any great examples of how technology has transformed your business for the better, or if you’re facing challenges where you think technology might be the answer jonathan@fair4allfinance.org.uk

Becky Claydon, Director of Operations

Becky is the person to speak to if you’d like to find out how we’re growing and building our team, how we’re adapting through Covid and how we’re organising and planning our work becky@fair4allfinance.org.uk

Temi Odesanya, Executive Assistant + Office + Marketing Coordinator

If there are any members of the team you’d like to speak to or get some time with then please talk to Temi temi@fair4allfinance.org.uk

Georgia Kewley, Project Manager

Talk to Georgia if you have any thoughts or feedback from working with us on projects around process georgia@fair4allfinance.org.uk

James Corke, Strategic Communications Manager

James would like to hear from you if you want to share any of your stories, so we can spread the word about all of the good work that’s happening out there already james@fair4allfinance.org.uk