Introducing Instinctif Partners – our new communication partner

Instinctif Partners has begun working with Fair4All Finance to support phase two of its consumer communications work on behalf of the community finance sector. They’re keen to get to know credit unions and community finance development institutions who would like to be involved.

Alongside their sister agency Truth Consulting, they’re working with us to help improve people’s awareness, understanding and engagement with community finance. 

Instinctif Partners have wide-ranging experience from helping businesses in financial services, energy and utilities, housing and not-for-profit sectors to get their messages through to consumers, including those in vulnerable or hard-to-reach groups.

Organisations across the sector can benefit from the work we’ve commissioned to scale up press office activity, develop strategic messaging and sector-wide marketing and comms plans. By working as an ally and advocate for the sector, they hope to make more people aware of how credit unions and other providers can help them.

If you would like to be involved, please get in touch via so they can arrange an introduction. They’re keen to establish regular two-way communications with organisations to help boost your profile, by:

  • Sharing good news stories about your organisations and the members or customers you serve
  • Sharing positive case studies of people whose lives have been improved through community finance
  • Inviting you to share your views and collaborate so the sector can work together better to get these important messages across to consumers at a time of increasing social need.

We look forward to working together!