Independent review recognises progress Fair4All Finance has made to date and highlights opportunities to build on success

We are pleased to have received independent recognition of the progress Fair4All Finance has made in delivering its mission. The Quadrennial Review highlighted our strong relationships with the sector, our valuable outputs and the support we provided during a challenging period.

We recognise that we cannot change the financial system on our own and need to secure the engagement of the financial services sector at scale. We will work to be clearer on what success looks like for Fair4All Finance and strive to improve our work with the community finance sector.

We welcome ongoing feedback and collaboration from stakeholders as we use the review’s findings to continue our work. Specifically we will:

  • Improve, focus and simplify: what success looks like for us including our role as a catalyst for wider system change, our communication of our vision and strategy and how we measure our progress and impact
  • Continue our focus on securing commitments from government, regulators and mainstream finance to deliver change at scale
  • Develop deeper partnerships for change through an improved approach to our engagement with the community finance sector that better respects their challenges and improve our investment process in light of the feedback in the review
  • Build our influence through convening, research and setting out clear recommendations to improve the supply and delivery of products and services that deliver great outcomes
  • Continue to maintain focus on our organisational effectiveness and transparency, including how we are to work with as an organisation

The Quadrennial Review was commissioned by The Oversight Trust, as part of its regular oversight of Fair4All Finance and other organisations receiving funding from dormant assets.

We would like to thank the Quadrennial Review team for the hard work and excellent insights they have brought to this process. Most importantly, we appreciate the time of those stakeholders in responding to the interview requests by the Quadrennial Review team and bringing honest and constructive feedback to those meetings.

We know the journey to increasing financial inclusion is long, and one we can’t take on our own. We’ll continue to work with all our stakeholders to help increase the financial resilience and wellbeing of people in financially vulnerable circumstances. Together we can make a difference to the lives of millions of people.