Dormant Assets Scheme consultation vital to securing long term funding for financial inclusion
The Government’s dormant assets consultation is a key opportunity in the fight against financial exclusion – an ongoing and growing problem for millions of families across the country.
With the impact of the pandemic and the cost of living crisis, it’s more important than ever that people have access to fair financial products and services that support their wellbeing and resilience.
Our dormant assets funding has already provided people across the country with a stepping stone to financial resilience, improved their physical and mental health and enabled them to play a full part in their communities. It’s vital this work continues.
An expanded Dormant Assets Scheme offers the chance to continue delivering long term funding to increase financial inclusion and improve the lives of millions of people in vulnerable circumstances.
If you share our vision for a fairer financial future, please respond to the consultation. It’s open until 23:45 on Sunday 9 October 2022 and every response counts.
Here’s how you can respond to the consultation
You can find the consultation here and respond by filling out the online survey or completing the response sheet and emailing it to
You don’t have to answer every question if you don’t want to. The most important questions are in section two.
We’ve pulled together a short guide on how to respond, along with some key messages and data points that might be helpful for your response:
We hope you’ll join us in actively advocating for continued support for financial inclusion. Together we can keep making a difference to the lives of millions of people.