Call for expressions of interest: affordable credit providers scale up programme

Fair4All Finance invites affordable credit providers to submit expressions of interest to participate in a pilot scale up programme during the summer of 2019.

In this initial programme, we are keen to work with established providers in the sector. This will allow us to provide support to an initial group of providers who are most ready to scale and to also build the evidence base to inform our theory of change and future investment strategy.

The Expression of Interest is intended to capture sufficient information to assess selection for participation in the programme. It is not intended to be a full investment funding proposal.

Aim of pilot programme

The aim of this initial pilot programme is to identify and put in place support to enable providers of affordable credit to scale their businesses to significantly increase the availability of affordable credit for the most vulnerable in society. The programme will:

  • Put in place tailored support programmes for those participating, backed by appropriate funding
  • Identify sector opportunities to develop platforms to support wider scalable development of a sustainable affordable credit sector to address the £3.2bn market
  • Identify opportunities for regulatory change that could accelerate the development of an affordable credit sector


The programme will have three phases:

  • Assessment of current state: markets, customers, operations, people, finance identifying core strengths and areas for development
  • Development of future state and recommended actions to deliver this, drawing on both insights from the participating organisations and input from specialists
  • Development of a proposal for support, setting out proposed areas for investment, potential solutions/providers and a blended funding proposal

The process is intended to allow leadership and the diagnostic team to conduct a full assessment of what is possible to enable capacity building and deliver sustainable scale up of the organisation. It will also capture existing and potential constraints in delivering on the ambition.

To apply

The pilot programme is open to organisations across the UK providing they lend to those based in England. For more information about the programme and how to apply, please download the EOI form here: Expression of Interest Pack – Affordable Credit Pilot

If you have any questions about the programme or the selection process, please contact Sacha – 

Deadline for submissions: 5th July 2019