Surina Somal

Director Group Customer Inclusion, Lloyds Banking Group

Surina Somal is the Director of Group Customer Inclusion & Customer Specialist Support (CSS) at Lloyds Banking Group, with over two decades experience within Financial Services, spanning private equity, corporate and consumer Banking. She is passionate about people first leadership, inclusion and driving positive change both internally at Lloyds, and at an industry level.

Surina’s breadth of career, provides her a rounded view and understanding of how to both shape positive outcomes and drive through efficient and affective delivery. Surina is passionate about customers and rethinking how we serve customers, putting their needs, at the heart of how we operate and in particular in moments that matter most to them. Some examples of how Surina is looking at this is through, development and delivery of customer-centric solutions including the improved use of self-service, automation, and AI, all while working to develop inclusive services, building internal and external capability to help increase customer inclusion and societal connections.